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Find The Perfect Stregth for Your Skin Tone
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Find The Perfect Stregth for Your Skin Tone
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Find The Perfect Stregth for Your Skin Tone
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Find The Perfect Stregth for Your Skin Tone
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Find The Perfect Stregth for Your Skin Tone

Treatment Before Hair Removal 2023

Unwanted hair may be removed using a medical process known as laser hair removal, which employs the use of a focused beam of light (laser). In the process of laser...

Unwanted hair may be removed using a medical process known as laser hair removal, which employs the use of a focused beam of light (laser). In the process of laser hair removal, a laser will produce light, which will then be absorbed by the pigment (melanin) found in the hair. The energy from the light is transformed into heat, which causes damage to the tube-shaped sacs beneath the skin known as hair follicles. These sacs are responsible for the production of hair. This damage prevents or slows the development of new hair in the future.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal often does not result in permanent hair removal, despite the fact that it successfully slows the development of hair for extended periods of time. Multiple sessions of laser hair removal are required for initial hair removal, and it is possible that more sessions may be required for maintenance purposes as well. However, those with light skin and dark hair seem to get the best results with laser hair removal, even though the procedure is safe for use on individuals with all different kinds of skin.

Laser hair removal is a technique that removes unwanted hair using a laser. Parts on the body that are often treated include the legs, armpits, upper lip, chin, and bikini line. On the other hand, it is feasible to cure unsightly hair in almost any place, with the exception of the eyelid and the area around it. Skin with tattoos should not be treated either.

The effectiveness of laser hair removal is affected both by the color of the hair and the kind of skin being treated. The fundamental idea is that the pigment in the hair, and not the pigment in the skin, should be the one to absorb the light rather than the skin. It is important that the laser only causes harm to the hair follicle and not to the surrounding skin. Therefore, the greatest effects are achieved with a contrast between the colors of the hair and the skin, namely black hair and light skin.

Laser hair removal was formerly out of reach for persons with darker complexion since there was not enough of a difference between the color of the hair and the color of the skin. However, recent advancements in laser technology have made it possible for people with darker skin to undergo the procedure. Gray, red, blonde, and white hair are the least efficient at absorbing light, making them less successful candidates for laser hair removal. On the other hand, further laser therapy alternatives for lighter hair colors are continually being developed.

Who is the best candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

  1. Those who have dark hair and pale skin
    Dark and coarse hair is great for laser hair removal because of its potency. However, as a result of advances in technology, laser depilatory treatments are now capable of removing some kinds of lighter hairs. Those individuals who have fair complexion and dark hair are considered to be the ideal candidates for this kind of hair removal. Because of the contrast between their pale skin and black hair, light skinned people may readily target melanin. Because the lasers are unable to target light-colored, fine hairs, it is impossible to eliminate them with this technique. When it comes to light hair, waxing is the method that works best. Laser hair removal may have a more difficult time producing outcomes for those who have darker skin tones or who tan quickly. This does not imply that there are none of the available choices. Newer technologies for laser hair removal may target skin tones with less of a difference between the hair and the skin. When determining which hair and skin types are best suited for laser hair removal, the Fitzpatrick table is consulted.

  2. Large treatment area
    Consider the treatment region before settling on the conclusion that laser hair removal is the best option for you. Laser hair removal is an effective method for removing hair from wider regions of skin, such as the back, legs, arms, and underarms. This, however, does not exclude the use of lasers for hair removal on areas of the body such as the upper lip, chin, or the bikini region, all of which get satisfactory results. The removal of individual hairs here and there is not the most effective use of laser hair removal; rather, it is more effective for permanently removing clusters of unwanted hair.

Who is not a suitable candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
As was indicated before, laser treatments are not effective on hair that is thin, light, or sparse. Even with protection, the treatment should stay from areas that are near to your eyes, such as the space between your eyebrows, since there is an increased danger that the lasers may cause damage to your eyes. Furthermore, as a safety precaution, women who are pregnant or nursing should not have laser hair removal since it might potentially damage their unborn or nursing kid. Even if there is no evidence to suggest that there would be any negative consequences, it is still best to err on the side of caution.

Things to do before Laser Hair Removal

  1. Choose the expert

    Choose a doctor who is fully qualified in a specialty such as dermatology or cosmetic surgery and has expertise with laser hair removal on your skin type if you are interested in having hair removed using a laser device. If you do not know what your skin type is, a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon can tell you. In the event that a physician assistant or a licensed nurse will be doing the procedure, it is imperative that a medical professional monitor them and be present on-site at all times throughout the treatments. Be wary of day spas, hair salons, and other institutions that permit non-medical staff to perform laser hair removal.

  2. Consult with your doctor
    Make an appointment with your doctor for a consultation before undergoing laser hair removal to evaluate whether or not this kind of treatment is suitable for you. Your doctor will probably do a review of your medical history, including medication use, a history of skin disorders or scarring, and previous hair removal procedures, discuss risks, benefits, and expectations, such as what laser hair removal can do and can't do for you, photograph to be used for before-and-after analyses and long-term evaluations, and discuss a treatment plan and the costs associated with it during the consultation. The cost of having unwanted hair removed using a laser is often paid for privately.

  3. Don’t plucking and waxing
    Considering laser hair removal is effective because it targets the roots of the hair, it is imperative that you refrain from plucking or waxing the treated region for a minimum of four to six weeks before your first visit. Shaving is not a problem since it does not remove the root. Shaving the region that will be treated with lasers ahead to your planned laser treatment is not only recommended, but is strongly urged. Your laser treatments will be scheduled at intervals of eight to ten weeks, and after those appointments have passed, you may go back to waxing and plucking as usual. However, doing so is not advised, and you will need to cease doing so at least six weeks before your subsequent visit.

  4. Shave the area
    Even though it is recommended that you refrain from plucking and waxing the region that is going to be treated, it is required that you shave the area between 24 and 48 hours before your appointment. In spite of the fact that your hair is not visible to the human eye, the laser is still able to target the pigment that is situated in the root of the hair. It is necessary to shave the region since doing so drastically reduces the risk of burns caused by the hair that is located below the surface of the skin.

  5. Avoid the sun heat
    It is essential that the area of skin that will be treated by the laser hair removal be protected from the sun for a period of two weeks before the procedure. This covers the use of self-tanners as well as tanning beds. Not only may the usage of these products cause your skin to become discolored after your laser treatment, but a sunburn can also cause an extreme amount of discomfort and blisters. The vast majority of laser specialists will not even treat a customer who has a little sunburn and would instead ask the client to postpone their appointment. If you can't keep the treated region covered while you're outdoors, you should apply sunscreen every single day.

  6. Put the bleach away
    As was stated before, the mechanism by which laser hair removal is effective is by concentrating on the hair follicles. The pigment or color of your hair may be discovered at the root, and when it does, it absorbs the light emitted by the laser, which finally results in the irreversible destruction of the hair. When you bleach your hair, the color is changed, which makes it more difficult to target certain areas of the hair. It is recommended that you cease bleaching your hair six weeks before your laser hair removal treatment. This gives the hair roots sufficient time to grow back in their original color before the procedure.

  7. Check all your medications
    It is essential that you notify the laser specialist that you are seeing about any and all medicines, both oral and topical, that you are currently taking when you have a consultation with them. Your laser treatments might be less successful if you take certain medicines since these drugs can interfere with them. Other drugs have the potential to make the skin more sensitive, increasing the risk of blistering and burning. Antibiotics, birth control, acne treatments, and drugs that make you more sensitive to light should all be brought up in conversation with your laser technician. You won't be required to stop taking your medicine, but the laser specialist who is assisting you will be able to make appropriate adjustments to your treatment and continue with care. In addition, if you start taking any pharmaceutical medications, you need to be sure to let them know before your next visit so that they can monitor your progress.

  8. Leave the makeup or creams for a while
    It is important to clean your skin well before each of your laser hair removal sessions since the active elements in cosmetic products have been shown to sometimes interfere with the procedure's effectiveness. This includes antiperspirant, cosmetics, lotions, ointments, and anything else that is applied topically to the region in question. To thoroughly wash the skin that will be treated, all you need is some soap and water. After removing your makeup with a remover, it is important to wash the affected area thoroughly with water.

What to expect


The eradication of unwanted hair with a laser typically takes between two and six sessions. The amount of time that passes in between treatments will vary according to the location. It is possible that the therapy may need to be administered once every four to eight weeks in parts of the body with rapid hair growth, such as the upper lip. The therapy could be administered once every 12 to 16 weeks on parts of the body with sluggish hair growth, such as the back.

You will be required to wear a unique pair of goggles for each treatment in order to shield your eyes from the laser beam. In the event that it is required, an assistant may shave the site once more. In order to alleviate any pain you may have during the procedure, your doctor may administer a topical anesthetic to your skin.

The doctor will apply pressure to your skin using a hand-held laser tool. It is possible that a cooling device attached to the instrument's tip or a cool gel will be utilized to protect your skin and reduce the likelihood of experiencing any adverse effects as a result of the laser treatment.

After the doctors turns on the laser, the light from the laser will penetrate your skin and go to the hair follicles underneath. The extreme heat generated by the laser beam causes damage to the hair follicles, which in turn limits the creation of new hair. It is possible that you may experience pain, such as a warm tiny speck, and it is also conceivable that the cooling device or gel will cause you to feel a sense of cold.

So, those are the things you should pay attention to before doing a laser hair removal. We hope that what we have posted here could be such a treasure for you who are seeking this information. 

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